What if the Universe is into you? Across 8 sessions, Unshaming Your Chart opens the way for a relationship to your birth chart that’s liberated from the shame economy. In my career, I have become known for my work on shame. Especially for a series of workshops I’ve offered on “unshaming the signs.” Now, for […]
this is the doorway Most people come to astrology with an ache. You may not even know how to articulate what it is. There’s just something guiding you to it. It’s unlanguageable and mysterious. For astrology to be spoken in the way you’ve been longing for, you need to feel yourself inside of astrology, and […]
Navigating the marketplace in devotion to your divinity Underdog to Diva is my mystical group coaching container for relating to money, achievement, and visibility as a multidimensional being made by and for love. Underdog to Diva is not a pipeline. It’s an infinity loop. Between parts of yourself that experience profound self-love and profound shame, […]
Because resolution culture doesn’t love you. Resolutions are sown from shame. Seeding the Year is my annual teaching framework for engaging with Time at the Gregorian calendar shift. We root from your dream field. We plant from your desires. It’s for people a lot like my younger self – a nerd for goal-setting who increasingly […]
a mentorship circle for mystics making money The Magician’s Table Vulture Coven is a 3-month container for being unapologetically witnessed in your desire for (and fear of) sustainable growth. Limited to 13 participants plus me, the Vulture Coven is deeply intimate on purpose. You choose to let yourself be seen. You choose to show up. […]
Illuminating the path of the inner voice Tuning to your own inner voice is terrifying. Are you ready to face that fear? 12 weeks of recorded transmissions, meditations, and astrological teachings undoing the cultural conditioning around self-mistrust. Named after my podcast and workbook, Moon to Moon is a transformational intensive to deprogram from harmful conditioning, […]
I have found it to be true that what most ails me is the persistent sense that something is wrong with me, that I am inherently bad, that I am unlovable, that I’m a problem. THIS IS SHAME. I have found it to be true that if I believe there is something wrong with me then I will bring that belief […]
Soft Strength is a 5-week online intensive. It’s my foundational course for growing your connection to the inner voice, healing your inner child, and tuning in to your unique emotional needs. In other words: Soft Strength will teach you to caretake your inner Moon. Course Dates: TBD Seven years ago, I lived in constant overwhelm. […]
Attuning to the Underworld Within & Without Cave Space is a 4-week offering across Scorpio season for those turned on by my astro-mystical approach to transmuting shadow, shame, and trauma into love and aliveness. Join me in my 4th year of offering this experiential journey! It’s never the same twice. Many of us grew up […]
the magic is you There is a table for you to feast. It’s a space for you to listen for the throb of your unique channel, and dance to the thrum of frequencies from your colleagues. It’s a zone where it’s okay to be messy, to be unsure, to be unmasked, because it’s what is required […]