moon to moon
Illuminating the path of the inner voice
Tuning to your own inner voice is terrifying. Are you ready to face that fear?
12 weeks of recorded transmissions, meditations, and astrological teachings undoing the cultural conditioning around self-mistrust.
Named after my podcast and workbook, Moon to Moon is a transformational intensive to deprogram from harmful conditioning, unlearn patterns of self-abandonment, repair from repeated breaches in self-trust, protect the present moment from your inner child’s fear of it, and become unwavering to your truth in the face of invalidation.
Because when you own your own knowing. You fucking own your own knowing.
It was the Moon that claimed me first.
It was 2017, and I was 39 years old. I looked up on a warm summer night to see a deliciously swollen full Moon, and it was as if I were seeing it for the first time. The Moon wanted my attention. It was trying to talk to me.
You have to understand that this was fairly preposterous for me at the time. I wasn’t in the habit of monitoring the lunar phases. But I was also in a period of dissolution, loosening and untying the strands of who I thought I was. My long-upheld identities were no longer that compelling to me. I was tired of striving.
In the cracks that opened up with all this new consciousness, the Moon started talking. The Moon called to me, saying, “Come home.”
The Moon’s first lesson was an invitation to slow down and tune in to my inner voice, something I’d been terrified to do. Why? Because some part of me knew that if I heard myself name what I wanted and didn’t want, my world would have to change.
This change might be confusing to people. This change might mean being judged by people. And this change might even hurt people, people I loved very much.
I looked at that Moon on that summer night, and it was as if I saw my own reflection for the first time. It was both loving and firm: “It’s time.” I said Yes to the Moon. I was seduced by the Moon inside myself. The part of me, both ancient and childlike, who knows the way.
That Yes was a spell.
Moon to Moon Design Structure
The Moon to Moon curriculum has been designed (and continues to be updated) from places inside me both ancient and childlike. I am listening to my own inner voice, my knowing temple – a place you will come to know within yourself in this class.
“The Way of the Three” is a phrase that guides M2M like a lantern in the dark. Maiden-Mother-Crone. Past-Present-Future. Hekate as our patroness.
The structure of the flow is held by a horizontal and vertical cross. Horizontally, we see the flow of themes from Part 1 through Part 3 over time, from September to November. These 3 phases correspond to the tarot cards Two of Swords then The Chariot then The Moon. Vertically, the experience reveals what is already in you from below (The High Priestess) in order to catalyze more access to magic in your above-world, outer expression (Queen of Wands). Let me describe.
(All images below are from the Spolia Tarot. No knowledge of the tarot is needed to participate in this course.)
Phase 1: Cultivating a Space to Listen
You cannot become your own Moon if you’re afraid of the dark. You cannot become the one-who-knows if you lack self-trust. You cannot become your own wise guide if you cede authority elsewhere.
Two of Swords in the tarot relates to times when it’s necessary to go within and listen for your own truth.
Part 1 is an invitation to get off the train of your programmed, automated life, the one that’s pummeling ever faster toward death.
Through Two of Swords, you will be inspired to take some fucking space for yourself. You will learn the ways of living in cycle. You will practice energetic hygiene and sovereignty. You will learn how to notice and name the boundaries you most need in any given moment.
Phase 2: Discerning the Wise Voice Within
It’s not that we don’t hear a voice within; it’s that we weren’t given the tools to know if the voice is past or present, if it’s ours or someone else’s, if it’s fear or intuition.
How can we guide our way in the dark if we can’t tell which voice is the one who knows the way? There is a qualitative difference between the false comfort of certainty and the unnerving calm of trusting the path in the dark.
The Chariot in the tarot is associated with how we move through life and negotiate life experiences as humans with conscious goals (white swan) and unconscious needs (black swan).
Part 2 is an invitation to heighten your listening senses so that you can broaden your repertoire of responses to whatever life brings you.
Phase 3: Speaking from the Truth Voice of Power
The Moon-self within isn’t threatened by any crossroad. The Truth Voice inside you points the way.
You soothe the younger parts of you that are afraid. You seek counsel from the older parts of you that already know. And from the present moment, you speak. You decide. And you act.
In the tarot The Moon is a card that deepens our confidence in navigating the unknown, the mysterious, and the uncertain. We grow trust in our capacity to transition and transform through liminal experiences. We see in the dark.
In Part 3 you will learn how to speak from a basin of truth and authenticity. You will access the parts of you that long to act in the world from the aligned knowing of who you are and who you are not. You will develop practices of trusting in process.
The Dream for Your Inner Realm: Revealing the Moon Within
Across our time together, you will remember who you always already are: a being with limitless access to wells of wisdom across multiple timelines and dimensions.
This is a part of you that craves alone time so that you can go within to your own treasure-world. This is a part of you that’s just for you. You can share what you hear, see, and know from your troves, but no one can walk this with you.
In the tarot, The High Priestess speaks to the part of you that is the keeper of ancient mysteries and the temple of their own primordial truth. This is a part of you who can access the astral plane, past lives, and angelic realms. This is a part of you that does not need an external authority to connect you to the numinous.
Like the snake represented here, you will learn how to trust in the process of molting – shedding skin that no longer fits so that you can expand and grow into your emergent self.
The Dream for Your Outer Realm: Emerging Magical AF
When you give yourself the space to listen, to reprogram, to release, and to heal the inner realm like we’re doing together, what emerges externally is a version of yourself with more zest, razzmatazz, ferocity, and swagger than you’ve known yourself to possess.
In the tarot, the Queen of Wands is a part of us that is an incendiary being without trying to be. It’s just a side effect of loving ourselves so much. It’s the outcome of so much self-compassion, self-awareness, and self-listening.
The Queen of Wands part of you is a bit terrifying because you are so fully alive when you inhabit this energy. People around you may tremble with awe and a bit of fear in your presence when you’re Queen of Wands. You have to have the capacity to let yourself be experienced this way.
Moon to Moon is a spell. A spell for your power.
In Moon to Moon, you will experience new ways to come home to yourself, anchor through change, and uncover your power – one month, one phase, one loving step at a time.
Moon to Moon weaves 3 strands of topics together. you receive a combination of:
thematic lunar transmissions
skill set lessons in intuition & psychic awareness
focused teachings on the Moon in astrology & the birth chart
Each strand could be its own class. I’m braiding from many disciplines and pedagogical styles so that this material takes up home across different parts of you. This synthetic approach is Britten’s particular genius.
All lessons are capped at 30 minutes to keep your experience potent, impactful, and receivable. Each is like a decadent chocolate to savor again and again. The total number of lessons will land somewhere between 27-35. (The course is still being designed and will be complete mid-November.)
Plus, there’s a trove BONUS content on the either side of admission that you will find out about when you get there.
This offering is rooted in generosity. And because it’s fully asynchronous, there’s no urgency around getting to all of it within the span of our timeframe.
Questions? Keep reading!
There’s more detail below.
Meet Your lunar guide
Britten LaRue is a transformational astrologer, teacher, and author. She couldn’t show up with all that Aries Rising Fire and build a body of work with her Capricorn Moon if she didn’t give herself loads of permission to be a very Pisces person with Sun-Mercury-Venus in the 12th House of solitude. Discovering how to protect her intuition has changed her life.
A 3/5 Manifesting Generator with 7 defined centers and 2 motors connected to her throat, Britten is learning to understand herself as someone who – by showing up in her authentic presence – supports others in taking heart-leaps into the unknown. When you take her hand, you are turning toward your own wildness.
A student once called Britten a Wild Teacher, in that she isn’t interested in handing out formulas or templates. She isn’t doing your emergence for you. Britten is passionate about holding the space while you call in your own.
In the photo, Britten is holding The Moon card from the Thoth deck, which pictures a beetle rising from the underworld. She chose this beetle as the tattoo on her wrist to represent her commitment to emergence and a life of mystery.
All material is delivered 100% asynchronously. You choose your own pace.
This curriculum is ever emergent and open to change.
Lunar Transmission: Welcome to the Moon / The Moon as Symbol & the Moon as Living Being Orbiting Our Planet / An Invitation to Walk the Dark / Nocturnal Vision
Intuitive Skills-Building: The Lunar Body
Astrological Teaching: The Moon in the Chart
Lunar Transmission: On Being Cyclical Beings / Healing Our Relationship to Time / Deconditioning from the Cult of Linearity
Intuitive Skills-Building: Co-regulating with the Earth
Astrological Teachings: The Moon in Water & Earth Signs
Lunar Transmission: The Ritual Body / Moon as Daily Ritual & Sacred Ritual / Holding Boundaries for Ritual Practice / Cultivating Shell Space for Listening
Intuitive Skills-Building: Building a Sanctuary for your Intuition
Astrological Teachings: The Moon in Air & Fire Signs
Lunar Transmissions: The Moon and Unshaming / The Moon as Somatic Memory
Intuitive Skills-Building: “All of Me Inside of Me”: Resourcing Yourself with Your Own Energy
Astrological Teaching: The Moon through the Houses
Lunar Transmissions: Healing the Cancer-Capricorn Polarity / Discerning the Wise Inner Parent from the Inner Critic / Transmuting Shame into Loving Self-Compassion
Intuitive Skills-Building: Connecting to Your Inner Child
Astrological Teaching: The Moon & the Sun: Lunar Phases
Lunar Transmissions: Percival & the Practice of Talking to the Wound / Your Vulnerability as Your Medicine
Intuitive Skills-Building: Relating to Your “Managers” and “Protectors”
Astrological Teaching: The Chariot in Your Chart
Lunar Transmissions: Working with the Future Self / Quitting Potential / Setting Intentions from the Truth Place Inside Yourself
Intuitive Skills-Building: Activating the Clairs (clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience)
Astrological Teaching: The Moon & the Malefic Planets
Lunar Transmissions: Becoming the Wolf Self / Howling to the Moon / Discerning Fear from Intuition / The Strength to Stand What You See
Intuitive Skills-Building: Your Psychic Awareness
Astrological Teaching: The Way of Three in the Chart
Lunar Transmissions: Vocalizing from Your Truth Basin / Seeing Through the Blaze of Your Knowing
Intuitive Skills-Building: Cultivating Neutrality in the Face of Fear
Astrological Teaching: Delineation Techniques for Reading Lunar Themes in Any Chart
You know the way. It’s the way that only you can know. It’s the way of your Moon-self.
You receive
~ 9 inspirational and catalyzing teachings from Britten that weave together themes from the vast realm of all things lunar: intuition, healing, attunement, the nocturnal, inner child healing, presence, care, the unconscious, magic, the mysteries, & the feminine
~ 9 lessons and practices to grow life-changing skills in intuition, energy awareness, boundaries, and psychic development
~ 9 astrological teachings on the Moon in any chart: your chart, the chart of the moment, the chart of a client, the chart of a loved one
~ Weekly exercises to practice on your own
~ Multiple BONUS gifts to be shared once inside the container
~ All recordings will be downloadable for you to keep forever
~ Resources will be provided for exploring more on all topics and connecting to other practitioners and teachers
~ 20% off discount for Britten’s annual Scorpio season offering, Cave Space
“Moon to Moon has opened me to the deepest parts of my self, gifting me tools and guidance for cradling, coaxing, and loving them into the moonlight. These teachings have given me broader, deeper, more expansive access to my inner and outer worlds, and tools to illuminate and connect it all.” – M. Thomas
“Britten’s expansive, intuitive insights are mesmerizing and mind-blowing.” – shayde
“Moon To Moon delivers the unfolding of intuition not as creation, but as cathartic revelation and return. Intellectual and embodied wisdom hold hands as Britten supports devotion to self-trust and self-honoring, and the very real magic she makes possible. Devotion is something I’ve been needing to work on and Moon To Moon has been a beautiful facilitator of that. I have found this course at once tender and rapturous, scintillating and soothing. I have been enriched and I will definitely be going back to re-immerse myself in this curriculum.” – Carly Juniper
“In the perpetual chaos that is life as a human, Britten provides a grounding framework to experiment with and to explore relating to the self, the cosmos and each other through the lens of empowerment, compassion, gratitude, wonder and love.” – Courtney Morris
“Not only did I feel my YES to Moon to Moon with my intuition (aka it felt obvious that this course was for me), but I also had synchronous dreams leading up to it that were connected. Britten is a powerful witch-guide, otherworld-guide, psyche-guide, and I found that she brings a foundational care and love that deepens the value of the container even more. Moon to Moon brought me, among other things, some of the most beautiful, magical and impactful visions I’ve ever had!” -J.O.
“Moon to Moon was the portal that attuned me to my “Yes!” Through my participation in the container, I became increasingly aware of what my yes and no felt like in my body and in my heart. This attunement is now a tool I carry that enables me to make decisions with more confidence and joy. I’m so thankful I listened to the part of me that was screaming, yes, yes, yes to this.” – Rachel E.
“I believe that healing the energy of Cancer and better understanding the energy of Capricorn are the two most pressing needs of our times, to use astrological language. If you struggle with boundaries, with belonging, with accepting yourself and all of your complexities on a deep level, this is a great class to help reorient your connection from surviving to thriving.” – Megan F.
“Your work has truly been life-changing for me. I don’t think I would have done any of last year’s huge transformations without the lessons I learned from you here, because the work directly impacted my growth in such a huge way.” – Ashley, @witchesforhope
“As a teacher, Britten is deep, thorough, and helpful. And the content of the course was amazing, insightful, and powerful. She has a gift.” – Natalie B.
“I enjoyed this course immensely. It appeared in my life at exactly the right time, and has cultivated fertile ground to receive more of my highest information. I would recommend this course to anyone who wishes to begin a journey towards trusting themselves, and feeling comfortable in their own skin.” – Emily
“The course absolutely met my expectations and I cannot wait to dive in more! The most impactful part was learning about the cycles of the moon, how my body and spirit works with it and learning about the tarot. I have been doing the daily tarot practice in the workbook and it has brought so much clarity to me (now I just need to learn to act on what I am hearing!). Linking the moon and the signs has made so much sense to me and truly helps me understand why I am going through what I am each cycle. Such a wonderful experience. Thank you!” – Elise G.
“The course surpassed all of my expectations. I am very grateful for all the material presented. I believe I have been introduced to concepts that I will integrate all through my life. It is hard to say what aspect was the most impactful as I found all the material really helpful. The meditations were great and I’m continuing to use them all. It was very helpful to have this course during the eclipses. It was a very difficult time but I accept what was presented to me and felt guidance from the course and you!” – Eryn E.
Payment plans are available through the checkout process.
Moon to Moon is a way of being.
The only promise I can make regarding outcomes to this class is that you are initiating and/or deepening into a pathway where there’s really no turning back. CAUTION! YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE.
This kind of assertion can feel provocative. I’m not invoking “life-changing” to sell tickets. I am very sincerely inviting participants to consider that a lot of the material here will be confrontational, because your beautiful truth is confrontational.
While I am trauma-informed, and an expert in my own practices, and even though I have been teaching these techniques for 6 years now, I am not a licensed therapist or medical professional. If you are brand new to inner child healing and/or self-inquiry, please plan to seek additional support.
My work is concerned with the present moment and the present moment is highly sensational. Sensations are feelings. And this is a course about opening to – and living a life devoted to – feeling.
The Moon pulls up the tides of feeling, and it’s often a surprise what turns up with the waters. Moon to Moon invites you to trust that you can be with what emerges from the depths and the previously unseen.
What I have found to be true is that the only way to create the change you’re wanting is to begin by being with what is here now. Softly. Lovingly. With humor and compassion. Throughout this class, you will be learning tools, skills, practices, and rituals that will support you in cultivating the capacity to be with the present so that you can feel it, hear it, and listen.
Before enrolling, please consider ways you will be resourcing yourself in addition to the course materials. You will want to have the support of loved ones and/or teachers, mentors, healers, and therapists – whoever you already know to turn to.
People that find my work tend to keep supporting it. I welcome that support! I want to be up front and transparent that this is because once you begin to move down this pathway, you will only want to keep going, whether that’s with me or with the many other practitioners I recommend to you.
Because Moon to Moon is a way of being,
Questions? Email