Soft Strength
Soft Strength is a 5-week online intensive. It’s my foundational course for growing your connection to the inner voice, healing your inner child, and tuning in to your unique emotional needs.
In other words: Soft Strength will teach you to caretake your inner Moon.
Course Dates: TBD
Seven years ago, I lived in constant overwhelm. Despite appearing to have it together on the outside, I was falling apart. For years, I tried to carry it all, keep everyone happy, I sought to satisfy every version of success, to get to some aspirational version of myself where I finally could call myself “enough.”
And yet, every year of my thirties, I became less successful in every category of my life. The harder I pushed, the more I felt submerged, depleted, anxious, and purposeless. I felt ashamed that I wasn’t “more.” I constantly doubted myself and turned to others for validation. I grieved the emptiness of not knowing where I belong.
My lack of self-care took a toll on all my relationships – I couldn’t protect others from my despair and resentment.
I created Soft Strength to help those who resonate
with the struggles of my younger self.
In the past several years, I’ve learned to recover my inner voice, decisiveness, and self-trust. This is SOFT STRENGTH. Like Moonlight, our Soft Strength is not dominating. It allows for shifting and mystery. It nurtures and vibrates in subtle but unmistakable ways. Its very softness prevents us from feeling depleted.
Soft Strength is an online journey to help you gently rebuild your inner strength. This will be the third iteration of what I consider as my foundational course. It is the pride of my purpose, merging the symbolic languages of astrology and tarot with practical tools I’ve learned for self-healing.
In 5 weeks, you will learn how the framework of the Moon in Astrology can help you grow the soft strength of inner trust. You will learn skills and tools to build a practice of working with the Moon and to recover your deep listening. You will begin a journey toward better self-care, self-love, and contentment in the present moment.
It is my honor and joy that my assistant in this process is my student, client, teacher, and friend Jonathan Koe. Jonathan is well-known and adored in my circles as a person of deep wisdom, clever wit, profound insight, and wells of compassion. You can learn more about Jonathan and me towards the bottom of this page.
Registration for Soft Strength is currently closed but I will soon be reopening the course as a self-paced, evergreen offering.
Included in this course are two of my workbooks:
Living the Signs: Cancer, The Psychic & Moon to Moon ($77 value)
It is my joy to share these workbooks with you. We will read sections and do exercises together. More importantly, you will have the teachings, activities, and journaling prompts from these books to guide you in the months AFTER Soft Strength when you are practicing and anchoring into your own ways of working with the concepts we develop across the course.
Soft Strength Curriculum
Each module will consist of 3-5 video teachings, which last no longer than 20 minutes each. The framework of “softness” is woven into the course material by offering something deep and profound, but not exhausting or time-consuming to process. Each of the brief teaching is like a piece of rich chocolate to savor and slowly enjoy.
Soft Strength is a braid of love for the Moon. In a short period of time, you will learn about how the framework of the Moon can transform your life. The Moon is a symbol (for intuition, for the emotional body, for daily routine, for self-care, for nurturing others, for mystery and magic, for the unconscious) AND the Moon is an actual celestial body in the sky with a cycle you can see with your own eyes and feel with your body. We will weave together ways to work with the Moon both symbolically and literally.
Exercises will be provided for deeper, embodied learning.
Britten is a “recovering academic” who learned that all of the education and rigorous intellectual training in the world couldn’t help her find a way to a fulfilled sense of contentment and empowerment. Britten re-invented herself over the last four years as an intuitive astrologer, teacher, and writer. In everything she offers now, her desire is to conjure the most resonant language to help clients, students, and larger community come home to their own truth, name it, and then live it.
At the start of her process of transformation, Britten looked up at one Full Moon in Capricorn (her natal Moon placement) and had the distinct feeling that the Moon was trying to talk to her. She sought teachers and community circles to help her learn how to get started, and in this period, she asked the Moon for help with one of the most crucial intentions of her life: “to walk through divorce with grace, power, and ease.” This was at a time when she wasn’t in the habit of manifesting the change she desired and when she had sincere doubts that she had any agency in her life. Working with the Moon, she felt guided softly to a new shore, which is to say: back home to herself.
Since those fragile days, she’s learned to trust in her intuition, listen to her emotions, address resistances or triggers as they arise, notice when she’s ungrounded in order to gently re-center, and build a practice of compassionate neutrality with other people, including the ones who most used to trigger her!
Britten doesn’t pretend to be “done” here, but she does know that she gets better day to day, “moon to moon.”
Notably, she has found moderation with eating and drinking (proper self-nurturing) that always had eluded her, she guards her body’s needs without guilt (finally!), and she is soft and open to pleasure and love where before she felt dry, constricted, and numb.
All of the time, she thinks: “I wish everyone knew these skills and had these tools.” So she created Soft Strength in 2019 to initiate others into the comfort of working with the Moon.
Q & A for Soft Strength
I consider myself a beginner in astrology and / or tarot. Is this course for me? Yes! The materials in this course aim to inspire deeper relationships with your inner Moon, which you can tap into regardless of your astrological / tarot knowledge. Whenever we use astrological / tarot concepts as framing devices, they will be fully explained so you can trust that you can connect intuitively. Even if you don’t feel like you have a full grasp on technicalities of astrology / tarot.
I resonate with everything you wrote here and my heart tells me I really need to learn these tools! But I don’t know if I’m ready to transform or leave my relationship / job / friendships. I’m worried this course will be a catalyst. Is there any thoughts you can offer? This course, in and of itself, will not “force” you to do anything. Our work here is to begin a gentle inquiry into your relationship with yourself. Of course, this may lead to external transformation but you are a sovereign being who can set your own, powerful intentions around what you’re hoping to achieve within the container of this course. Your intuition will not force you to do anything you’re not ready for, at some level. The course is not a substitute for professional help, so if you feel you need more personalized support, you are also encouraged to seek talk / somatic therapy, energy healing, astrology or tarot readings as you see fit.
I’m in a tender place and I’m not sure I’m ready to engage with a community. Do you think I can still make the most of my experience with this class? Of course! The first iteration of the course in 2019 didn’t have a live call component. Participants were able to fully engage in the materials on their own and experienced powerful transformations. Alternatively, you may want to check out the replay of the first live call and see if you feel that participating would be in affinity with you. You might choose to engage in the virtual Slack space rather than the Zoom calls.
Is working with the Moon and lunar cycles only for individuals who identify as women / female / femme / someone with biological cycle? While the Moon correlates to the idea of the Divine Feminine within us in the tradition, working with the Moon is certainly not exclusive to humans with a uterus or who identify with a feminine social role. The moon pulls on the ocean and all of our waters. I would invite everyone to be open to the idea of experimenting with how your physical and emotional bodies are shepherded and guided by the Moon’s literal pull.
I have been working with the lunar cycles and / or tarot for some time. Will this course offer me anything new? I’ve been told that my approach weaves in multiple modalities in exciting, surprising ways so I’d like to think that you’ll receive new insights and new framing around potentially familiar concepts. I also teach a specific method to align working with lunar cycles with the signs of the New Moon / Sun within this course. In addition, you may receive much wisdom and support from the community that we constellate this time around.
“Your work has truly been life-changing for me. I don’t think I would have done any of last year’s huge transformations without Soft Strength and lessons I learned from you last summer, because the work directly impacted my growth in such a huge way.” – Ashley, @witches4bernie
“As a teacher, Britten is deep, thorough, and helpful. And the content of the course was amazing, insightful, and powerful. She has a gift.” – Natalie B.
“I enjoyed this course immensely. It appeared in my life at exactly the right time, and has cultivated fertile ground to receive more of my highest information. I would recommend this course to anyone who wishes to begin a journey towards trusting themselves, and feeling comfortable in their own skin.” – Emily
“The course absolutely met my expectations and I cannot wait to dive in more! The most impactful part was learning about the cycles of the moon, how my body and spirit works with it and learning about the tarot. I have been doing the daily tarot practice in the workbook and it has brought so much clarity to me (now I just need to learn to act on what I am hearing!). Linking the moon and the signs has made so much sense to me and truly helps me understand why I am going through what I am each cycle. Such a wonderful experience. Thank you! – Elise G.
“I loved the class! Putting in small cycles that include rest and celebration — naps, even — was something that never occurred to me. Also found it important to do the actual practice and not just understand the theory. I learned quite a few things that I’m just starting to pull into my daily life.” – Anne S.
“The course surpassed all of my expectations. I am very grateful for all the material presented. I believe I have been introduced to concepts that I will integrate all through my life. It is hard to say what aspect was the most impactful as I found all the material really helpful. The meditations were great and I’m continuing to use them all. It was very helpful to have this course during the eclipses. It was a very difficult time but I accept what was presented to me and felt guidance from the course and you!” – Eryn E.