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What is

Britten’s approach to astrology may feel unfamiliar. She invites us to think of the signs and planets as more than just tools for predicting what may happen, but as a living language, one designed to equip us to meet what is happening with our fullest, most vibrant power.

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Who is Britten?

Britten LaRue is a recovering academic who now teaches, writes, and offers transformational readings from a place of sacred unknowing. She sees astrology as a powerful and ancient tool for unshaming the present and unlearning the maladaptive certainty of overculture.

More about Britten
“From an Emergence Astrology perspective, you are right on time. The planets assure you that everything is unfolding perfectly.” - Britten LaRue “Emergence Astrology invites you into a daily microdose of the preposterous. It’s a technology for becoming approachable to the wonder inherent and inevitable in every moment.” - Britten LaRue “There is no such thing as potential. There is only emergence. Potential is a fantasy that shames the present moment.” - Britten LaRue 

Britten's New Book!

Living Astrology

Because astrology isn’t something that happens to you. It’s something that you live. This book is designed to support you in building a home for the cosmos in every aspect of your life.




Underdog to Diva is Britten’s mystical coaching container for relating to money, success, and fame as a multidimensional being made by and for love.

There are two options: 1-on-1 mentorship, which is available year-round, or her new group coaching container, which starts May 23. Doors close May 19.


Healing from Aries to Pisces

Unshaming the Signs

Unshaming the Signs is a workshop series that invites you to witness the shame that lives in the part of you that is each sign so that you can transmute that shame into love. In each workshop, Britten invites you to gently repair and heal from the wounds of shame: lack of self-trust, compulsion to fix yourself, and fear that you don’t have permission to set the boundaries you need to be all that you are. Invest in one. Invest in them all. See Britten talk about the project with Chris Brennan of The Astrology Podcast.

unshaming the signs


Moon to Moon

Moon to Moon is a space to consider, celebrate, and share the ways we come home to ourselves, anchor through change, and uncover our power — one month, one phase, one loving step at a time.

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Workbook overview

Living the Signs

This is not Sun-Moon-Rising astrology. These are not birthday books. Living the Signs is a broader, bolder approach with more massive implications and impact. Where to begin? Britten recommends starting with the sign of your Saturn placement. Don’t know your chart? Then choose the sign of the season we’re currently in.

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