A loveletter to the stars, in podcast form.
SubscribeMoon to Moon
Moon to Moon is a space for my own emergent becoming, where I share how the language of astrology is moving through and around me. I’ve learned that in sharing what I’m witnessing from my truth, I help others to notice and name their own. Some episodes are just me riffing from my channel in ways that feel heart-expanding. Some have one or more guests where we connect through our love of magic, astrology, and healing.
166. The Oracular is a Creative Art with Amanda Yates Garcia aka The Oracle of Los Angeles
Welcome to a very special episode of Moon to Moon. Our honored guest is Mother Witch Amanda Yates Garcia, also known as The Oracle of Los Angeles. Amanda has long been someone I deeply admire as a leader of integrity, honesty, wisdom, and inspiration. Amanda is incredibly smart, wildly magnetic, and wholly grounded in her devotion. What happened here was a gift. And it’s an honor to share this conversation with you today. May it be a lantern to light your heart and to lift your spirit. Thank you, Amanda. Amanda Yates Garcia is a writer, witch, and the Oracle of Los Angeles. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, The LA Times, The SF Chronicle, The London Times, CNN, BRAVO, as…
165: Crystal Balling 2025
In this solo show, I talk share some contemplations on: - this Mars Retrograde - the top 3 lessons I learned in 2024 - exciting new projects - the invitations of Pluto in Aquarius May these words reach all those who will enjoy them! Check out my new podcast CRYSTAL BALLERS on Spotify, Podbean and keep looking for it on Apple. We would be so grateful if you would share, rate, and review Crystal Ballers to support its emergence. There will be new episodes each Friday! The Telepathy Tapes - the frequency of Pluto in Aquarius right here! Seeding the Year 2025 - last day for early bird pricing is today. We meet Jan 16, 17, and 18. Jan 19…
164. Beyond the Horoscope Economy: Creating New Forums for Astrology
In this episode, I share how and why I decided to quit the traditional templates for professional astrologers: one-on-one readings, forecasts, and university-style teaching. The ultimate message is to relentlessly validate and unshame what you feel to be true and want to talk about in your professional field. Let me know your thoughts. Would love to hear what came up for you with this one. +++ To learn about Unshaming Your Chart, I invite you to check out the course page. We begin on December 18th! +++ E M E R G E N C E A S T R O L O G Y https://brittenlarue.com/ Instagram: @brittenlarue Order Living Astrology +++ Podcast art: Angela George. Podcast music: Jonathan Koe.
163. Why We Are Afraid of Our Charts
If there's anything that I've learned about the birth chart over my years as an astrologer and a teacher of astrology, it's that the birth chart is a confrontation. That is, the birth chart is very confrontational. This isn't something that I see lots of people talking about, but I think it's crucial to name for anyone who's curious about getting closer to their charts and going deeper with astrology. In this episode, I share the core fears that I see come up for beginners, students, and even professional astrologers as they relate to their chart. It's my desire that in naming what we fear we can alchemize what is vulnerable about the chart into something that feels more exciting,…
162. Unshaming the Twelfth House with Danny Larkin
Welcome to the 12th of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode. WE DID IT! THE FINAL HOUSE! My guest is the wonderful Danny Larkin. At this beginning of this project, I let Danny pick the house he wanted to unshame and he chose to go last. Lucky me! As a 12th House Sun-Mercury-Venus, I feel a deep affinity with this house. I felt I was learning and healing as we spoke. To the ancients, the 12th House was called Bad Spirit. Here we’re discussing how shame can show up in the department of life we call the 12th House, which includes: - childbirth and labor - pain and…
161. All That We're Not Bringing with Us: A Dark Moon Download
Here at the end of this lunar cycle, I bring you another Dark Moon Download. What came through for us is the phrase: “all that we’re not bringing with us.” There’s a lot of juice here, but we’re especially being invited to notice and validate the fucks that we are no longer giving. I share one of my personal favorites from over the years of being a mystic: leaving behind the fuck that I’m supposed to agree with someone telling me what is or is not possible in this world. That in order to appear responsible, I am supposed to quit my imagination function. I hope you enjoy this one! Remember that you don’t have to listen at the “dark…
160. Unshaming the Eleventh House with Kelsey Rose Tortorice
Welcome to the 11th of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode. My guest is the heretical genius Kelsey Rose Tortorice. Our conversation was an incredibly shifting and illuminating. To the ancients, the 11th House was called Good Spirit. Here we’re discussing how shame can show up in the department of life we call the 11th House, which includes: - How we constellate humans together around shared hopes and dreams - Friends, acquaintances, associates, colleagues - Friend groups, social networks, allies, community - Benefactors, patrons, advancement through friends - Prosperity and fortune, attainment of dreams - Group identity, organizations, clubs, teams I’m so grateful to Kelsey for…
159. Sag Season through the Lens of Human Design with Alison Marie Dale
I’m excited to share this unique look at Sagittarius season through the lenses of astrology, Human Design, and multiple other modalities. Enjoy! My guest is Alison Marie Dale, who I met inside Heretic Haven. Heretic Haven is an exploration of the 5th Line experience, hosted by Kelsey Rose Tortorice and Allyson Forseth. Alison is a 5/1 profile and I am a 3/5, which is how we both ended up in the same space. I got to really be a student in this episode. Alison activated my HUGE INNER NERD, which is one of my most favorite parts of self. I had my notebook and pen out, writing down things she shared that I want to keep savoring. You might want…
158. Unshaming the Tenth House with Diana Rose Harper
Welcome to the 10th of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode. My guest is the great Diana Rose Harper! Diana is one of the most insightful and critically interesting voices in the entire astrological community. Her work is cherished by all those who long for a more compassionate approach to this wisdom tradition. To the ancients, the 10th House was called The Midheaven. Here we’re discussing how shame can show up in the department of life we call the 10th House, which includes: - your public-facing, most visible self - what you’re known for - your reputation, standing, status - your career or vocation - your gestating parent…
157. Unshaming the Ninth House with Heidi Rose Robbins
Welcome to the 9th of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode. My guest is the great Heidi Rose Robbins! Heidi is one of the most celebrated astrologers of our time. It has been an honor to know, learn from, and feel supported by Heidi since early in my career. To the ancients, the 9th House was called God. No biggie! Here we’re discussing how shame can show up in the department of life we call the 9th House, which includes: - Religion and spirituality - Higher knowledge, wisdom, philosophy - Long journeys, distant places, unfamiliar territory, pilgrimages - Foreign travel, multicultural interests - Visions, dreams, oracles,…
Like A Door Opening
"I found this podcast after purchasing Britten’s Moon to Moon workbook—which, truthfully, I did not complete because I felt completely overwhelmed by its thoroughness and depth! lol In search of further knowledge on astrology, I began listening and became quickly captivated by the content. I love everything about this podcast: the conversational style (infectious..." laughs and long sighs), the accessibility of the subject (not an easy language to learn), the interesting guests, and, of course, astrology itself. As Britten’s relationship with astrology has evolved, so too, has my base knowledge, my particular interests, and my vision of what astrology can bring to my life and future. I highly recommend this podcast!
Gabby Portu
ExXtly what you need even if you didn’t realize!
"Britten is such a powerful teacher, learner, translator, spirit-attender, and all around ‘wildly alive’ being that we are blessed to have in this universe. Communing with her energy is a spacious, expansive opportunity to grow into your best possible self and find ways to pass along that gooey goodness trough everything you do. Check out her amazing offerings and..." keep listening. The community she’s fomenting is beyond magickal.
Clarity, Integrity
"A year into listening to Britten’s podcasts, I continue to be deeply moved by her astrological intuition and the bright light she shines on how we can best serve our personal emergence. In a world that’s increasingly overfull with information, I am a very selective listener of podcasts — choosing them wisely, carefully and infrequently because my relationship to..." content is a strict boundary I wish to honor and protect. Britten’s podcasts offer a piercing clarity and integrity that stands out from the exhaustive din. Each and every podcast of Britten’s that I’ve ever listened to has left me feeling more full, exhilarated, supported and aware of how I want to be, how I want to continue to attune to my own emergence.
Like A Door Opening
"Britten La Rue’s Moon to Moon is THE podcast for anyone astrologically curious or already familiar. She is super knowledgeable and appropriately intuitive. I especially love that she shares notable dates and house locations of transits. She makes suggestions about what areas of our personal lives we might be aware of (or beware of) considering the path of the..." planets, sun and moon. Personally, I have experienced validation and clarity since paying attention to my astrological chart and listening to this podcast regularly. I feel like Britten has helped guide me through challenges and gifted me with a sense of ease and faith, even. It’s been beneficial to revisit past moments and note patterns so I can move forward feeling like I know what to expect in terms of my mood, challenges, and productivity. I feel confident that her podcast will help you to move forward and go deeper, too. Another thing you might appreciate about Britten is that she doesn’t take herself super seriously. She’s serious - she has a vast database of information inside of her because she has put in the work intellectually - but she doesn’t declare she’s right. She’s humble and empathetic and curious. She talks about the dark things, and sheds light on them. She pays so much attention to words and definitions making sure there’s space for all of it. And she laughs often!