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It was always going to be now
Sometimes life ripens with grief or wonder, and I wish my Younger Self had known what I now know. If I’d known that my Buddy was going to have a stroke this summer, I wouldn’t have left town for him to die without me by his side. If I’d known rituals for holding grief when I was a teenager, I wouldn’t have turned to alcohol to numb all feelings. If I’d known I’m here to be such a hungry, horny woman, I wouldn’t have corseted my life force energy for decades in order to look pretty and perfect for people who aren’t living and speaking bravely. It’s a presupposition of Emergence Astrology that you are right on time. I do…
When the astrology pokes
The astrology this week is pokey. It’s slicing and grinding. Mars was in charge of that Full Moon in Aries. The Moon was right with Chiron, talking to old wounds, and Eris, who reveals sacred rage. And square Mars in Cancer with all those feelings exposed. And at the peak of the Full Moon, both Venus and Mercury were in Scorpio, answering to that Mars’s vulnerabilities. This one was quite personal for me. As I’m at my Mars Return and my nodal opposition in Aries-Libra. I am receiving a LOT of information from my body, my intuition, my human support, and my spirit team. Mars rules pointed objects. From an Emergence Astrology perspective, we are right on time to learn…
Cave Space is now open for enrollment!
This is a brief note to let you know that Cave Space is now open for enrollment. Woohoo! Apparently, the links weren’t working previously, so please use this one (http://brittenlarue.teachable.com/p/cave-space-2024) if you want to go direct to enrollment. To read all about Cave Space, which begins next week through Scorpio season, head to the course page (https://brittenlarue.com/course/cave-space/) . Cave Space is a 4-week immersion in themes of the Underworld. I bring my gifts for synthesis and a multi-modality approach to pedagogy to guide you into an experience of yourself. Specifically, we’re weaving together the language of astrology with evocative storytelling to tap into deeper places within. Stories we explore together include the French folktale of Bluebeard, two different episodes in…
7 Underworld signatures in the birth chart
When I open a chart for the first time, I can see right away if I’m sitting with someone who has what I’m calling an “underworld signature.” What I mean by that is someone who might * have experienced a notable degree of trauma (chronic or single incident) * find a lot of resonance in learning about self-healing * identify as living with mental health journeys, including OCD, depression, and panic * have a knack for identifying instantly who has the power in the room * recognize themselves as having co-dependency patterns in relationships, including self-abandonment to keep the other person happy * feel a sense of lost innocence, some kind of primal theft of self, even if they don’t…
A Letter to Witches & Artists
Don’t Miss! SAVE THE DATE at the bottom: 11/12 Unshaming Saturn talk in New York City & available to livestream! ** ———————————————————— This is a message for the witches, the disruptive artists, you strange beauty makers. You radical space holders, your paradigm shifters and liminal beings, you helping us to metabolize, to alchemize, and to integrate our wholeness in this time. I know it can feel selfish or tone-deaf to be sharing about your offerings. To be letting people know about teaching containers that you have or art and craft that you’ve made. These gifts that you have to offer out in the world to be of support to us. Sometimes I hear that voice that’s like: Who do you…
Life is not neutral
This message – LIFE IS NOT NEUTRAL – came through the mouth of my 15- year old Taurus Sun in a vent fest on the way home from school a few weeks ago. She was naming her frustration with classmates who opt out of saying what they want or what they think. She is noticing she doesn’t trust people who never take a side or disagree. She paused and goes (loudly): because, you know… Life is not neutral. Mmmmhmmmm. That’s my girl. Brazen Truth Speech. No, life is not neutral. I’ve been contemplating these words since she seeded them in my being. And now I share them with you to let them roll through your own field. To be neutral…
My books are re-opening for 1-on-1 ♎
In this email: – Some eclipse insights – Announcement: brand new 6-month, 1-on-1 expansion mentorship – Announcement: brand new 8-week, 1-on-1 launch support ** ———————————————————— Wow, what a time. Over the past few weeks since the first eclipse in Pisces, I created a series of reels describing what I feel has been coming up. These have been the most popular videos I’ve ever posted. To summarize, I want you to know that being an expansive person does not mean being someone who is always clear. In fact, living expansively often involves a lot of confusion. This is because expansiveness is about trusting that even if you don’t exactly know what is coming toward you around the river bend, you will…
The 5 Most Intuitive Chart Signatures
** ———————————————————— We are all intuitive. Intuitive awareness begins with feeling, and humans are beings who feel. Who take in information from outside our bodies. Who receive intelligence from Spirit, from ancestors, from multidimensional planes. I grew up thinking that some people are born with these gifts and we either have them or we don’t. But the truth is our intuitive and psychic abilities are like all skills. We learn. We practice. We refine. By relating to them. Every single day. We can all talk, but it takes practice to speak words that sing to the heart of another. Being a person who writes with impact requires an internal and external commitment. There’s the agreement you make with yourself to…
The consequences of expecting invalidation
This is part 5 in a 5-part series on the magic of unshaming. In Moon to Moon (https://brittenlarue.com/course/moon-to-moon/) , together we root down into the truth that the Moon-self is the you who cannot be invalidated. This is my offering to invite you into a life of receiving, so you can share what you receive with all of us. ** ———————————————————— Across this series, we’ve looked at: 1: (https://mailchi.mp/brittenlarue/everyone-is-intuitive-we-all-have-the-clairs-17334750) the nuanced distinctions between self-shaming and self-confrontation. 2: (https://mailchi.mp/brittenlarue/everyone-is-intuitive-we-all-have-the-clairs-17334834) how unshaming has opened up our capacity to hold regret. 3: (https://mailchi.mp/brittenlarue/everyone-is-intuitive-we-all-have-the-clairs-17334906) how the kink for our badness is a story for safety. 4: (https://mailchi.mp/brittenlarue/everyone-is-intuitive-we-all-have-the-clairs-17334962) on the yearning to feel seen and what happens when we give that to ourselves. Most of…
The longing to feel seen
This is part 4 in a 5-part series on the magic of unshaming to effect nourishing and empowering ways of being for yourself and your worlds. This approach is what I teach in my annual fall course Moon to Moon (https://brittenlarue.com/course/moon-to-moon/) . In M2M, I teach how I relate to my past and future selves to protect the present moment from my (conscious and unconscious) fear of it. Whether you join M2M this year or not, I hope the contemplations I share in this notes will inspire and support you in being human right now. ** ———————————————————— In the first email (https://mailchi.mp/brittenlarue/everyone-is-intuitive-we-all-have-the-clairs-17334750) of this series, I talked about the nuanced distinctions between self-shaming and self-confrontation. In the second (https://mailchi.mp/brittenlarue/everyone-is-intuitive-we-all-have-the-clairs-17334834) ,…