seeding the year 2025
Because resolution culture doesn’t love you.
Resolutions are sown from shame.
Seeding the Year is my annual teaching framework for engaging with Time at the Gregorian calendar shift. We root from your dream field. We plant from your desires.
It’s for people a lot like my younger self – a nerd for goal-setting who increasingly feels disillusioned by New Years Resolutions and misaligned with some of the toxic manifestation culture of New Age spirituality.
Seeding the Year is what I was always yearning for, but couldn’t find. It’s a way to relate to the New Year that builds from your dream field, not from a list of “should do,” “should be,” or “should have.”
Astrology is a technology for relating to Time. It’s here to support us, but not in the usual ways we’ve asked it to. I’m not talking about forecasts or predictions.
It’s not that I want to destroy the yearly horoscope economy, I just find it boring.
The cosmos is way bigger and weirder and more ridiculously amazing that we think it is. The cosmos wants to co-create with you. Right now. In this moment. Dreaming new timelines into form.
Seeding the Year: for those here for revolutions not resolutions!
For you. For your community. For our planet.
I have found it to be true that we were taught to relate to Time through the disciplinary lenses of shame and scarcity. From this perspective, the New Year becomes a deeply uncomfortable period for remembering failure and disappointment.
When Time becomes Terror, we invite the fear of failure into our dream weaving rituals and then blame ourselves for things not working out.
I had no idea how powerful I am until I rewired my relationship to Time.
That powerlessness was an illusion rooted in institutional systems. That powerlessness was a distortion from shame.
Seeding the Year is how I protect the coming year from my fear of it.
Seeding the Year is an invitation to trust in the power I always already have.
Seeding the Year is a model for New Year’s dreaming, intentions, and manifestation. It centers my favorite word: EMERGENCE.
Because there’s no such thing as potential; there is only emergence.
I have found it to be true that in order to let your dreams and desires move through you into the physical plane, you have to become approachable to them.
How does one become approachable to one’s dreams and desires? This question is at the heart of all my work.
I will show you how I do this with the support of the cosmos.
To hear me expand on the ethos behind Seeding the Year, please check out the 2023 podcast episode “Here for Revolutions Not Resolutions” on Moon to Moon. I have received more love notes from listeners on this episode than any other I’ve made!
What to expect
Seeding the Year 2025 has 3 meetups – all 1-3 pm CST (2-4 pm EST)
WE ARE THE PAST: Thursday, January 16
WE ARE THE PRESENT: Friday, January 17
WE ARE THE FUTURE: Saturday, January 18
Each of these meetups will be incredibly catalyzing and mutating. All of this potency will be held and grounded by a Virgo Moon. These dates and times were chosen on purpose. You will want give yourself a lot of nourishment those days to support you in integrating what gets shaken up.
We’ll be diving into my wild Emergence Astrology teachings on Time, and clearing the distortions that keep us in loops of failure, doubt, and depletion when we hit January.
These transmissions will be similar to as well as evolutions of what I’ve spoken in the past. Every revolution of the wheel, I feel myself on a new spiral with what Seeding has been teaching me for 7 years now. At the start of promo, I don’t see it all yet.
As always, I thank my Younger Self who listened and stirred the pot. And I trust my Future Self to take what I offer today and transform the teachings however she pleases.
Overculture—the dominant culture whose constructs are followed by most people—tries to sell us on a different version of our future self. Its version is all about maximizing potential, but it is never attainable. Overculture’s future self dangles keys to your potential just out of reach, like a bully, laughing at you for your inability to grab them. Here’s the hot truth: There is no such thing as potential. There is only emergence.
Potential is the same performance-oriented, results-based urgency that separates you from the present moment.
Potential is a fantasy that shames you. Potential feeds on attachments and expectations, which bring you disappointment and grief. Astrology wants to stop you from engaging so unkindly with yourself. The planets embolden you to love yourself, as you are now.
The death of the illusion of potential brings liberation. What would it be like to stop reserving your love for this fantasy Potential self?
What if you could trust that everything you’re experiencing couldn’t have happened any earlier or later on your timeline? What if it was always meant to be right now that you have the realization, the revelation, the transformation that’s here for you today? What if the planets have all along been conspiring to bring the shifts of the cycle you’re in? What if you’re right on time?
Astrology creates the conditions for you to notice what you truly want as well as what you’re not showing up for anymore. Astrology helps you trust that you know the way.
When you see your intentions as sentient beings, you externalize your intention so that it’s not all about you. You liberate it from fear of failure and self-mistrust. When your intentions are treated as sentient beings, they are independent spirits that have chosen you to care for them. And you are free to decline if you don’t have the capacity to care for them right now. This is rooted in the truth that everything is relational.
When your intentions are sentient beings, your job is to listen and tend, not to manage or push. It becomes a relationship of attunement. When I let my intentions come to me and commit to nurturing them, they come to life as if by their own spirit.
Trying to push something through that isn’t vitally alive is exhausting. The energetics of the pushed-through intention are just never as potent or interesting for others to experience. And then I end up feeling ashamed and disappointed on top of my depletion.
There is no ready. We like to believe there will be a future version of us who will have the expertise or the confidence to be ready for a new experience. And so when we say we’re “not ready,” what we mean is that we’re afraid to try or trust because we don’t think we’re enough as we are now.
The fantasy of a day when we’re ready keeps us from engaging with the present moment. Let us have compassion for our not-readiness as a learned fear for a world that expects us to be perfect and standardized in order to be ready ie. worthy of showing up.
Together we’ll distinguish between “not now” and “not ready,” which has everything to do with trust and intuition. “Not now” feels soft and stable, unlike the charge of fear or panic in “not ready.” “Not now” is grounded in the loamy soil of deep trust that Time isn’t scarce and that all experience unfolds precisely when it means to.
Emergence Astrology’s Time Secrets
BEHOLD: The 7 Time Powers You Haven’t Tapped Into Yet!
Yes, you’ve got it. I’m talking about the 7 traditional planets. I have found it to be true that each has a different way of relating to Time. We were only taught Saturn’s way, and then we contorted it until Time became terror for us.
I will guide you in dreaming and listening with the planets to support you in accessing more ways to feel and relate to Time with the help of these teachers who love us so much.
I have found it to be true that astrology is an outreach program from the cosmos to help us cute, sweet, limited humans speak, feel, hear, and known the divine in every moment.
This is the part of our time together when I talk less so that I can hold space for your own knowings to approach you. This is where the real treasures come your way, because they come from a place wisdom home inside yourself. There is what you’re really investing in here. And with the replay you can come back to this expansion space any time you want.
There is no way you or I can predict what will happen for you. It’s a trust leap to new timelines.
Once I started practicing Seeding the Year in Capricorn season, I realized that these Time practices don’t just help me “hit my goals” or “make my dreams come true” – which they do by the way, bigger and beyond what I could even imagine.
It’s more than this. Seeding the Year is a leap into new ways of being, of inhabiting my body in space, of relating to family and community – experiencing my aliveness in ways that my younger self thought were impossible for me or for this world.
Seeding the Year. Because it’s not just a goal we’re after. It’s a new timeline.
EARLY BIRD EXCHANGE (though Monday, January 6) is $75
THE EXCHANGE FOR CURRENT STUDENTS: $25 (only for those currently enrolled in Unshaming Your Chart, Underdog to Diva, and/or Emergence Astrology Year One)
FREE for Witch Sister clients
Seeding the Year 2024 participants will receive an email with a 20% discount code that works for both Early Bird or Regular. Email if you aren’t on my list anymore.
This includes the 3 consecutive two-hour workshops
The live sessions will be recorded and available within 2-3 hours of the meetup for everyone who can’t make it live. This is not a problem. The recording will work beautifully for those who receive it this way.
As a 12th House Pisces person, I find asynchronous experiences as real as synchronous, maybe more so. I prefer asynchronous classrooms as a student. So I always create my live experiences with the asynchronous learners in my awareness.
I am in awe. This offering is a guiding light for any point in the year in which we’re longing to undo harmful conditioning, reparent ourselves, mourn loss or transition, and come into loving, compassionate authenticity with ourselves and the world around us. It really is years (if not decades) worth of paradigm-shifting, block-removing, infinitely loving wisdom, compacted into a manageable course. I kept feeling like “where has this information been all my life?”
I am so grateful to have found something devoted to bearing the inextricably intertwined vulnerability and power, the grief and wonder, that make up this human experience.
– T. R. participant last year
Hi, I’m Britten, and I’m a Time Witch.
My Aries Rising and Capricorn Moon nature have informed my public nature as a go-getter since I was a competitive figure skater and child actor as a kid. I have always been into having impossible goals, planning itineraries, writing curriculum, and calendar nerdery. But before I found intuitive training, ritual crafting, astrology, and the tarot in 2017, I only knew how to take care of business in ways that led to depletion, comparison, and joylessness.
My approach in Seeding the Year is rooted in practices that I gave myself in that period of life when I experienced a mystical awakening. I let my many Pisces placements out of the closet. I gave them permission to sing.
And so my life began to have a momentum of its own, as if beyond myself.
I am regularly told that because I follow the siren song of my own voice, I inspire others to trust in their own. This is why I keep sharing.
The more I lean into my magical approaches, the more they deliver wonder – and I’m not interested in engaging in ways that don’t bring wonder any more.
I’m so excited to share what I’ve been learning with you and to support you in accessing more Time Magic for the New Year.
These are various screen shots that my assistant captured from the chat at Seeding the Year 2024. I collared them into a tile for Instagram.
I get so fucking fired up disrupting our toxic conditioning on Time and clearing the path for new ways.
I know to my bone that my soul came here – in part – for this unlearning. With everyone who wants to do it with me.