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Virgo: The Devoted One ♍
Welcome Virgo Season! It’s time to get organized. Like so many of us, I’m in the throws of recalibrating with the shift in rhythm from summer to fall, while trying to stay calm and open with all of the not-knowing. I have good days and bad days. Mostly, I find parenting to be the biggest challenge on every level. A lot of the effects of living through this time on their psyches are out of my control. It’s not my fault. There’s nothing I can do to make a lot of things better for them. What IS in my control is how I hold my alignment. Something I’m struck by lately is the vital importance of self-regulating the nervous system…
A Harvest of Hopes & Dreams 🌾
Happy Full Moon! Today, at 10:59 AM CST, the Sun in Leo will be exactly opposite the Moon in Aquarius. As you admire it tonight, you can consider how at sun went down, Leo set to the west. And then at the same time, Aquarius hits the eastern horizon holding our Moon. They are polar signs, across the sky from one another, and seemingly so different as sign energies. And yet they teach each other and evolve each other, and in contemplating the Moon in Aquarius, we can remember that it actually reflects the light of the Leo Moon. The Moon sings a song about holding your unique truth among the chants of the crowd, about how the collective is…
Living Your Truth
The New Moon in Cancer vibes of this art by @comfortablefields reflect precisely how I feel about the energy of Now. Though Leo season begins in two days, this coming cycle is governed by Cancer yet again. With Saturn opposing this New Moon directly, we are tasked with slowing down to be sure we’ve fully processed all that we’ve been called to see, learn, and face. In the image, the center figure holds a vine in each hand that sprout like faces… What am I learning about the self-care patterns of my lineage? What am I learning about how the stories of my younger self are ready to be recycled? What am I learning about how shame and self-judgment haven’t…
Boundaries, Coming Home, & Tending Triggers
In this newsletter… – contemplating shells for self-care – the link to the Living Cancer convo Tuesdays – free teachings for re-setting your inner strength – other news and updates A lot is coming up right now. We’re between eclipses and there are multiple retrogrades, including Mercury. We have one month to go before things get really hot this August through the end of the year (yeah, it’s not even the most intense part of the year yet). Let’s bear down into some ancient, symbolic wisdom for anchoring. We will need our highest selves. Traditionally, we associate Cancer with The Crab. Crabs are species that live in oceans, freshwater, and on land. They are notable for their thick exoskeleton and…
Emerging Patterns
Hi friends, I wanted to touch base to share my practice for honoring the turn of the wheel of the year that is summer solstice. We need contemplation right now. We need healing right now. We need tuning in right now. If at the New Year you invested in my workbook Seeding the Year or received a Year Ahead Reading, I highly recommend returning to that source now in order to remember, reconnect, and receive the yummy goodness of what you learned and dreamed therein. I invite you to join me in exploring the possibility that everything we’ve been experiencing since late winter has not been a rupture from the person you were at the Winter Solstice and the New…
The Scaffolding for Change 🐚
When I create a course, which is something that I’ve been doing for 20 years now, I like to imagine the experiential component for the participant in two ways. On the one hand, there is the experience of change, transformation, growth, and learning. This is the alchemy. There is both dissolution AND reintegration into a new way of being. This is something magical, delicate, tender, and evolving. This is the caterpillar goo-ing into butterfly. This can be huge or very subtle, depending on the class and the person’s degree of openness to the process. But to ensure this, there needs to be a container of structure, rhythm, and comfort. Something that “holds” the person so they feel like the unfolding…
Re-wilding and Intuition 🐚
This week I was supposed to be in Colorado to work with Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, one of the great influences of my life. Dr. Estés wrote the seminal text Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype (https://www.indiebound.org/book/9780345409874) , which was nothing short of life-changing for me. Have you read it? If you haven’t, don’t stop, just go get your hands on it. It’s about intuition, which is the voice of our ancient wild self. The intimate workshop I was to attend this week is called The Heart of the Wounded Healer, and it’s now rescheduled for next year due to COVID. The Wounded Healer archetype is very dear to me. The Wounded…
Molting with the Moon 🌒🌕🌘
“A creature that hides and ‘withdraws into its shell’ is preparing a ‘way out.’ This is true of the entire scale of metaphors, from the resurrection of a man in his grave, to the sudden outburst of one who has long been silent… by staying in the motionlessness of its shell, the creature is preparing temporal explosions, not to say whirlwinds, of being. The most dynamic escapes take place in cases of repressed being… If we experience the imaginary paradox of a vigorous mollusk… we attain to the most decisive type of aggressiveness, which is postponed aggressiveness, aggressiveness that bides its time. Wolves in shells are crueler than stray ones.” – Gaston Bachelard, Cancer Sun & Venus, from The Poetics…
Revealing the shadow
“All that you touch, You Change. All that you Change, Changes You. The only lasting truth is Change.” – Octavia E. Butler, Cancer Sun, Mercury, and Rising The astrology of 2020 laughing at us for thinking maybe things were getting easier, as if there weren’t going to be social consequences from COVID’s deep revealing of American shadow material A little over a week ago, I shared that I felt a growing theme with the Venus Retrograde in Gemini around the idea of lungs, breathing, inspiring, speaking, and inhabiting language in a way that heals. I hadn’t yet heard about the murder of George Floyd, and the powerful chant “I Can’t Breathe” hadn’t taken over the country. This is not to…
Our triggers are here to liberate us
“The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” – Joan Didion One of the greatest healing journeys of my life has been in submitting to the unhelpful effects of my desire to please. I have always been a hustler for love and validation. The way that operated in my younger adult life originated in days I only remember in deep meditation (ps it’s ancestral). I don’t believe anyone intended this or that it was consciously cultivated in me, but I see that I carried a deep dread that I’m only lovable as long as I’m compliant with whatever it is that I can tell that people want from me. “Ok so my…