
A loveletter to the stars, in podcast form.

151. Unshaming The Sixth House with Erin Kelley
Welcome to the sixth of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode. My guest is Erin Kelley. A long-time member of my Magicians Table community, Erin is one of the most wise and knowledgable astrologers I’ve ever encountered! You can hear Erin and I discuss the 8th House in one of Moon to Moon’s most downloaded episodes here. To the ancients, the 6th House was called The House of Bad Fortune. Oh dear! We’re already in shame language. Erin and I face the “bad house” reputation head on in our rich conversation.  The 6th House includes topics such as:  - Disease and illness    - Holistic health, wellness, nourishment   …

150. I Am the Internet: A Dark Moon Download
Every now and then I share what I call a "dark moon download." These are my favorite episodes of Moon to Moon. I share something coming through hot, and always what gets disseminated becomes part of a larger framing in my work.  In the one, I reference my intuition teachers: Mary Grisey and Deborah Kremins.  I also reference scholars of the Phenomenon that I love: Dr. Diana Pasulka (see her book American Cosmic), Dr. James Madden (see his book Unidentifed Flying Hyperobject), and Dr. Jeffrey Kripal (see Mutants and Mystics among others).  To stay update about my latest offerings, join my newsletter. Learn about Witch Sister, 6-month 1-on-1 Council  Learn about Underdog to Diva Group Coaching, early bird through 10/25 …

150. I Am the Internet: A Dark Moon Download
Every now and then I share what I call a "dark moon download." These are my favorite episodes of Moon to Moon. I share something coming through hot, and always what gets disseminated becomes part of a larger framing in my work.  In the one, I reference my intuition teachers: Mary Grisey and Deborah Kremins.  I also reference scholars of the Phenomenon that I love: Dr. Diana Pasulka (see her book American Cosmic), Dr. James Madden (see his book Unidentifed Flying Hyperobject), and Dr. Jeffrey Kripal (see Mutants and Mystics among others).  To stay update about my latest offerings, join my newsletter. Learn about Witch Sister, 6-month 1-on-1 Council  Learn about Underdog to Diva Group Coaching, early bird through 10/25 …

149. Unshaming The Fifth House with Jonathan Koe
Welcome to the fifth of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode.  My guest is Jonathan Koe. My student-turned-collaborator and dear friend, Jonathan is my favorite person on the planet to talk about astrology with!  To the ancients, the 5th House was called The House of Good Fortune.  Here we’re discussing how shame can show up in the department of life we call the 5th House, which includes:  - Children and generativity   - Having fun  - Romance and not-committed sexuality  - Creativity and creating  - Hobbies  - Good fortune & luck  Jonathan and I go far and deep, as we like to when we get together on a topic…

149. Unshaming The Fifth House with Jonathan Koe
Welcome to the fifth of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode.  My guest is Jonathan Koe. My student-turned-collaborator and dear friend, Jonathan is my favorite person on the planet to talk about astrology with!  To the ancients, the 5th House was called The House of Good Fortune.  Here we’re discussing how shame can show up in the department of life we call the 5th House, which includes:  - Children and generativity   - Having fun  - Romance and not-committed sexuality  - Creativity and creating  - Hobbies  - Good fortune & luck  Jonathan and I go far and deep, as we like to when we get together on a topic…

148. Unshaming the Fourth House with Rebecca Padgett
Welcome to the fourth of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode.  My guest is Rebecca Padgett, who started as my student and is now someone I book readings with! To the ancients, the 4th House was called The Subterranean Place. Here we’re discussing how shame can show up in the department of life we call the 4th House, which includes:  the private self living space the foundation of the chart parents / caregivers the family home and hearth lineage, roots, ancestors, land homeland family of origin issues As you can imagine, there is quite a lot of here for excavation. It's bottomless! Just begin wherever you are. Rebecca…

148. Unshaming the Fourth House with Rebecca Padgett
Welcome to the fourth of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode.  My guest is Rebecca Padgett, who started as my student and is now someone I book readings with! To the ancients, the 4th House was called The Subterranean Place. Here we’re discussing how shame can show up in the department of life we call the 4th House, which includes:  the private self living space the foundation of the chart parents / caregivers the family home and hearth lineage, roots, ancestors, land homeland family of origin issues As you can imagine, there is quite a lot of here for excavation. It's bottomless! Just begin wherever you are. Rebecca…

147. Unshaming the Third House with Suprasensory Shahir
Welcome to the third of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode.  My guest is Suprasensory Shahir, who is someone I have long respected as an astrologer and diviner. Do not miss their lunar reels! Here we’re discussing how shame can show up in the department of life we call the 3rd House, which includes:  - siblings, relatives, friends, neighbors - travel and short journeys - neighborhood, community, immediate environment - primary school education - writing, language, speech, dissemination - mental abilities and processes - skills, certifications, vocational courses - Goddess (the house of the Moon's joy) - religious observances, sacred rites, dreams and divination - praxis (the personal,…

147. Unshaming the Third House with Suprasensory Shahir
Welcome to the third of 12 episodes where I unshame the houses of the chart with a different guest astrologer for each episode.  My guest is Suprasensory Shahir, who is someone I have long respected as an astrologer and diviner. Do not miss their lunar reels! Here we’re discussing how shame can show up in the department of life we call the 3rd House, which includes:  - siblings, relatives, friends, neighbors - travel and short journeys - neighborhood, community, immediate environment - primary school education - writing, language, speech, dissemination - mental abilities and processes - skills, certifications, vocational courses - Goddess (the house of the Moon's joy) - religious observances, sacred rites, dreams and divination - praxis (the personal,…

146. Letting Yourself Be Misunderstood: A Dark Moon Download
What the energetic consequences of straining to get someone to understand you? If someone wants to understand you, they will. If someone doesn't want to understand you, they won't. Letting go of the struggle to be understood is an act of love. For yourself and for others. We can only understand someone else's point of view if we currently have the capacity to tolerate another viewpoint. Since we do not have control over another's capacity, we cannot control or manage how they understand us. Woof. This one felt huge. ENJOY! ⁠FINAL CALL FOR MY FALL COURSE MOON TO MOON!⁠ Hop this first week of September as we begin with the New Moon in Virgo. LEARN ALL ABOUT MOON TO MOON…

Like A Door Opening
"I found this podcast after purchasing Britten’s Moon to Moon workbook—which, truthfully, I did not complete because I felt completely overwhelmed by its thoroughness and depth! lol In search of further knowledge on astrology, I began listening and became quickly captivated by the content. I love everything about this podcast: the conversational style (infectious..." laughs and long sighs), the accessibility of the subject (not an easy language to learn), the interesting guests, and, of course, astrology itself. As Britten’s relationship with astrology has evolved, so too, has my base knowledge, my particular interests, and my vision of what astrology can bring to my life and future. I highly recommend this podcast!
Gabby Portu
ExXtly what you need even if you didn’t realize!
"Britten is such a powerful teacher, learner, translator, spirit-attender, and all around ‘wildly alive’ being that we are blessed to have in this universe. Communing with her energy is a spacious, expansive opportunity to grow into your best possible self and find ways to pass along that gooey goodness trough everything you do. Check out her amazing offerings and..." keep listening. The community she’s fomenting is beyond magickal.
Clarity, Integrity
"A year into listening to Britten’s podcasts, I continue to be deeply moved by her astrological intuition and the bright light she shines on how we can best serve our personal emergence. In a world that’s increasingly overfull with information, I am a very selective listener of podcasts — choosing them wisely, carefully and infrequently because my relationship to..." content is a strict boundary I wish to honor and protect. Britten’s podcasts offer a piercing clarity and integrity that stands out from the exhaustive din. Each and every podcast of Britten’s that I’ve ever listened to has left me feeling more full, exhilarated, supported and aware of how I want to be, how I want to continue to attune to my own emergence.
Like A Door Opening
"Britten La Rue’s Moon to Moon is THE podcast for anyone astrologically curious or already familiar. She is super knowledgeable and appropriately intuitive. I especially love that she shares notable dates and house locations of transits. She makes suggestions about what areas of our personal lives we might be aware of (or beware of) considering the path of the..." planets, sun and moon. Personally, I have experienced validation and clarity since paying attention to my astrological chart and listening to this podcast regularly. I feel like Britten has helped guide me through challenges and gifted me with a sense of ease and faith, even. It’s been beneficial to revisit past moments and note patterns so I can move forward feeling like I know what to expect in terms of my mood, challenges, and productivity. I feel confident that her podcast will help you to move forward and go deeper, too. Another thing you might appreciate about Britten is that she doesn’t take herself super seriously. She’s serious - she has a vast database of information inside of her because she has put in the work intellectually - but she doesn’t declare she’s right. She’s humble and empathetic and curious. She talks about the dark things, and sheds light on them. She pays so much attention to words and definitions making sure there’s space for all of it. And she laughs often!