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⚡ This Potent Portal ⚡
** Hardening: the process by which plants prepare and relocate nutrients to storage organs, in order to acclimate to winter ———————————————————— In The Medicine of Winter ( , I discuss ways in which we can learn how to acclimate to winter from science. Remembering that so much of the healing power of astrology comes from how it mirrors and reflects the wisdom of nature, we can turn to biology to help us reflect upon our own methods of responding to the changing seasons. One of the ways in which nature responds to harsher times (winter), is by hardening. And so you can ask yourself: How do I acclimate? How do I resource my “storage organs” – my root strength –…

And the point is, to live everything
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” – Rainer Maria Rilke To live everything. This is the wisdom, to me, of Winter Solstice. I have been there. To the edge of the darkness. To the very brink of desolation and loss and despair. You know the place. It’s…

I need to be honest with you
View this email in your browser (*|ARCHIVE|*) ** Let me speak plainly… ———————————————————— Astrology is so often used to drum up fear in people. It’s easy to employ fear-mongering techniques as click bait. But, to be in constant OMG and WTF is really, to me, just not that helpful, and so I’ve tried to steer clear of hysterics. However… I haven’t been entirely straight with you about the incredible, big-picture astrology of 2019-2020, both for the collective and for the individual. Did you know that the USA has its own birth chart? As an American nation, this period has been churning. In direct language stripped of astro vocab: the astrology points to a span of years – peaking in…

🌀 A gift for shifting the soul 🌀
** I promised to send a reminder… ———————————————————— My Inbox has been insane for the last week, and I’m guessing yours has been, too. Seriously, how did we let ourselves get to this as a culture? (Answer: because we built our temple to Money.) I debated about participating in the madness of this weekend’s frantic discounting, and ultimately decided to offer something as a yummy alternative for you. Mylast newsletter ( was the least read ever with the holiday frenzy, so whether this is a reminder, or whether you are just now hearing about it, I am sending out this email to share that through tonight, I have been discounting an unlimited number of my Year Ahead Readings at…

Your Heroic Journey
** Your Heroic Journey: New Moon in Sagittarius ———————————————————— In this newsletter, I’ve got some thoughts about the shift in energy right now. I also share a link to my Horoscopes for the New Moon in Sagittarius lunar cycle. Stay tuned to the end where I share a Black Friday Special discount. Woohoo! This is my biggest discount of the year. How have you been doing? How was Scorpio for you, along with that Mercury Retrograde? As I write this in the darkest days of the cycle, I am looking back at all I’ve learned. Remember how I shared my personal intention to work with shedding skins that no longer serve me, so I can slither out yummy and new?…

💥 you are magic 💥
** The Full Moon Theme is Roots & Fruits ———————————————————— This newsletter has a LOT of fiery, full moon excitement so it’s a tad longer than usual. In it, you will find: – newsletter anniversary nostalgia and pride, – a brief astro guide for the full moon with a free meditation, – and a reminder to register for the WITCH talk ( , which *you can watch later* if you can’t make it live Tuesday night. You guys! One year ago, I sent the first WWYW email ( out to just 15 people. I started writing emails for people because I’m a teacher by calling (I’ve known since I was little) and a writer by practice (in years of academia),…

New Moon medicine: Stop pretending that everything is okay
** Scorpio doesn’t mess around ———————————————————— The Sun moved into Scorpio this past Wednesday, the New Moon in Scorpio is tonight, and I am feeeeeeling the energy shift. Scroll down below for a link to “The Astrology and Horoscopes for the New Moon in Scorpio” for D Magazine. In Libra, we were especially attuned to imbalance or disharmony in some of part of Self, relationship, environment, or situation. As we shift into deep Scorpio now, we are supported in letting whatever stuck pattern, unskillful behavior, limiting belief, imbalanced relationship, or hard memory move off to the compost bin. We take what we learned across the last cycle and move into facing whatever fear we have in releasing that old attachment…

the future starts with what’s here now👇🏼
** there is no future ———————————————————— I’m mulling over a few topics right now that I’d like to braid together here. The first is this: I’m often asked my thoughts about balancing the desire to have dreams and aspirations for the future when we’re also encouraged to be in the present moment. That feeling of wanting to practice better mindfulness can feel like it’s in opposition to the desire to wish, dream, have goals, and aspire to something “better.” I’d like to share how I respond to this. My second line of thought has to do with something I’m regularly up against in this field of work, which is the expectation on the part of many that an astrological or…

⚡ Say brave things ⚡
View this email in your browser (*|ARCHIVE|*) ** A Hunter’s Full Moon in Aries ———————————————————— This weekend we have a Full Moon, peaking Sunday at 4:08 pm CST, when the Moon in Aries is directly across from the Sun in Libra at 20 degrees each. The assignment is this: in a season when we’re holding the essence of Libra in our consciousness – holding balance, beauty, and fairness with others – we can tune into the part of us that is self-sufficient, assertive, and independent. This is the dynamic of sign polarity. What of you is Aries? It is the part of you that is… The Warrior The Salsa Dancer The Pioneer The Swashbuckling Hero The Dynamic Leader Aries is…

The Ferocious Power of Libra
** Libra brings us the realignment we need right now. ———————————————————— Happy New Moon in Libra! Today, we are in the magical void of a fresh start, when all possibilities exist for us as we shift into a new lunar cycle. What are you wanting to call in? What are you dreaming of? What is tugging on your heart to make happen? Now is the time to listen and settle on that intention. The Libra energy right now is fierce and intense, and I’m feeling it moving through my body in a big way. In popular culture, Libra comes off pretty thin and weak, and I’m here to tell you that Libra is capable of ferocious truth-speaking and power. Think…