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You don't really believe in that, do you?
Dear reader, Let us feel into a truth together: Why is it that we are not taught to tune in to and trust our intuition as children and, especially, as adolescents? What do you know in your deepest deepest heart is true here? If we learned to always trust our inner knowing, our truth, the synchronicities from the Universe, the gentle nudge from the unseen realm urging us towards our psychic senses, THEN WE COULD NOT BE SO EASILY CONTROLLED. Rather, we are taught to be “good” and “rational,” which is code for docility, submission, and rule-following. Our intuition comes from a liminal space outside of the hierarchies and structures of Culture, Government, Family, and Religion. None of these four…
Don't Let Go: Poltergeist + the Full Moon in Scorpio
View this email in your browser (*|ARCHIVE|*) http://www.workingwithyourwheel.com THE PAST IS HERE FOR SPRING CLEANING https://www.workingwithyourwheel.com/blog-1 Hey guys! I’m excited to share a little video I made for the astrology of the coming two weeks. In it, I focus primarily on the energies of the Full Moon in Scorpio, which is happening this Saturday, May 18, at 4:11 PM CST. In the video, I posit and argue that the polarity between Sun in Taurus opposite Moon in Scorpio is like the great 1980s film Poltergeist, story by Steven Spielberg. Have you seen it recently? It’s amazing! One of my all-time favorites as a kid. CLICK HERE (https://www.workingwithyourwheel.com/blog-1) to watch! https://www.crowdcast.io/e/working-with-the-moon-in Announcing my first ever live webinar next Thursday, May 23,…
The gift of noticing
** The gift of noticing… ———————————————————— We live in a world of automated time. This was one of the most radical shifts that occurred with the Industrial Revolution. It was train travel that made this a requirement, in the first half of the 19th century with the invention of the steam engine. Now time itself had to become as standardized as the products produced in factories. By @joewebbart Before, I didn’t reflect much about how my own life had become standardized. Intellectually, I knew it. I taught courses in Modern Art, and a huge part of Modernism is the relationship between visual culture and the technologies of modernization. I laughed knowingly when, in Downton Abbey, Maggie Smith’s aristocratic character asks:…
⛏️ Through the Fear ⛏️
** The way to change is through the fear… ———————————————————— At the last full moon, on the first day of Aries, I sent out a newsletter with a potent ritual for calling in balance to relationships. You can find it here (https://mailchi.mp/a529a0544c15/after-winter-spring-always-comes) . Did you try it? I would love to hear from you about how it’s going. In it, I suggested you take four sheets of paper, noting your Gratitudes for what is working in relationships, your Dreams for better balance in relationships, the Mindset Changes you’ll need to shift, and then Action Steps to take to make it manifest. I tucked my papers under my mattress and am now ready to recognize the wild floodgates of change I…
🌷 Do Brave Things. Say Brave Things. 🌷
** Be beautiful. Be bold. Say and do brave things. ———————————————————— 20-Minute Two-Week Astro Weather Report! Get out your calendar and your journal! New Moon in Aries. April 5, 3:50 AM CST. Click the image above for a brief discussion of the astro weather coming up for us the next two weeks until our second Full Moon in Libra on April 19. I outline three main energies that I see that we’ll be in. Listen if you’d like to work with the qualities in the air rather than have them work on you. Listen if you want tips for digging into your bravery. Listen if you like or want to learn a little more about astrology. As always, the invitation…
🌊 Night Swimming 🌊
** New Moon in Pisces: Night Swimming ———————————————————— Pisces Moon feels from Daria Hlazatova (https://www.instagram.com/dariahlazatova/) . It is a time for night swimming in our own waters. Today is the New Moon. Whenever we have one, that means the Sun and the Moon are together in the skies in the same sign. To the ancients, the Sun and the Moon were the two luminaries of our soul: the Sun representing our conscious self, the Moon representing our subconscious, hidden self. Because we are all of the signs, we have the opportunity each cycle, at the time of the New Moon, to connect with the conscious and subconscious part of us that is the sign energy of that particular season. Today,…
Your Intuitive Life
** Resources for deepening your intuitive life ———————————————————— Dear reader, If you ask me what primary field of work I’m in, I would not necessarily say Astrology. I am in what is known as Intuitive Healing. What is that? Intuitive Healing concerns all modalities that encourage the development of our intuition. We do this in order to connect with our own information, our deep listening, as well as to intuit the physical and psychic health of our energetic fields and chakra nodes. At the center of Intuitive Healing work is a strong meditation practice built around grounding into a still center for hearing deep, even ancient, wisdom. Astrology is a discipline that overlaps with many intuitive frameworks for self-inquiry. Astrology…
The Moon is a Magnifying Glass
** FULL SUPERMOON IN VIRGO Tuesday, February 19th at 9:53 AM CST ———————————————————— In this email, I share how the Virgo-Pisces balance, which is what we’re in now with the Full Moon, can be deeply healing and transformative for us. But first, because I have a lot of new readers (hi!), I want to reiterate some things I say a lot as well as briefly clarify what I do. Astrology is not a belief system, and as such, should not conflict with your spiritual preferences. Astrology is a symbolic language for self-understanding. It is exquisitely designed. It is poetic. And it is empowering. Also true: We don’t have to have astrology to tell us about ourselves. We can feel and…
A Different Way Forward
** A Different Way Forward. ———————————————————— 2018 feels like a long time ago, does it not? Praises to the sky that the eclipse season is behind us. At the beginning of a new cycle, let us dream a different way forward. Below I present the three themes of the moment to support you in setting intention: envisioning with Aquarius, quickening new life with Imbolc, and regenerating our waters with The Star. I braid them together with a related ritual below. We are now deep in Aquarius season. The essence of Aquarius energy is forward-looking, paradigm-shifting liberation from stale structures. Aquarius is the eccentric, the rebel, the scientific thinker. Aquarius combines the hard-working discipline of Saturn with the disrupting inventiveness of…
This Full Moon is HOT!
SUPER MOON. BLOOD MOON. WOLF MOON. The Total Lunar Eclipse is exact on January 20th at 6:36 pm PST / 9:36 pm EST and the Leo Full Moon is exact on January 20th at 9:16pm PST / January 21st at 12:16 am EST. Scene from Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali’s 1929 film Un Chien andalou. The artists meant to convey the need for NEW VISION. NEW SIGHT. Razor to the eye. Eclipses can be the same way. Now through the next few weeks is a time to look for synchronicities. What is showing up for you right now? I’m excited to share my thoughts and Spirit downloads with you as I’ve been anticipating this event for months now. These needed…